November 29, 2009

How to Remove Wrinkles Using Photoshop

New eHow Article:
How to Remove Wrinkles Using Photoshop

Preview: Why pay for expensive and risky surgery when you can just use photoshop? While it may not be much help at a social event, you can use photoshop to remove wrinkles from your photos. Takes YEARS off a face with a few simple clicks. How easy is it? I did this photo of Demi in under five minutes...

November 27, 2009

How to Remove Noise from a Photo

New eHow Article:
How to Remove Noise from a Photo

Preview: A key step of photo editing is removing noise. Whether you're shooting with a cellphone, basic consumer camera, or expensive photo taking behemoth noise will most likely be a problem. A little big of photo editing can go a long way to making your pictures look much cleaner and more professional. This tutorial will show you how to use Aperture or Photoshop as photo editing tools to remove noise...

November 24, 2009

How to Rip or Encode a LAME V0 Mp3 on Mac OS X

New eHow Artice: How to Rip or Encode a LAME V0 Mp3 on Mac OS X

Preview: LAME V0 Mp3 is widely considered the standard in high end audio encoding. An mp3 encoded at V0 is thought to be indistinguishable from the CD it was created from. Most people cant tell the difference. If you want a high quality mp3, you want V0…but how do you make a V0 mp3 on an Apple Mac computer? This tutorial will show you...

How to Rip FLAC from a CD on Mac OS X

New eHow Article:
How to Rip FLAC from a CD on Mac OS X

Preview: FLAC is a type of lossless audio format. Unlike mp3, files encoded in FLAC don't are 100% identical to their CD versions. This tutorial will show you how to encode FLAC using an Apple Mac computer. You can rip FLAC from Mac OS X, and all you need is iTunes and xACT...
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