December 11, 2009

How to Increase Your Site's PageRank

New eHow Article:
How to Increase Your Site's PageRank

Preview: Getting a site with a high PageRank to link to your site is vital to increasing your SEO rankings and getting listed higher in search results‚ but what if you want to increase your own PageRank? Give your site the power to grant incredible SEO rankings by following these steps...

How to Find Good Sites for Backlinks

New eHow Article:
How to Find Good Sites for Backlinks

Preview: A central part of getting traffic is SEO ranking. SEO (which stands for search engine optimization) will ensure your article or webpage appears at the top of Google's search results. Lots of things go into obtaining a good SEO ranking, and one of the most crucial components is backlinks (links to your article). What are the best sites for backlinks? This article will show you how to find the best sites for backlinks to help increase your SEO ranking...

December 10, 2009

How to Clear Google Web History

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How to Clear Google Web History

Preview: How do I clear my Google web history? Unless you've opted out, there's a record of your Google search history. Even if you delete your browser history, it's still there! Anyone who walks by a computer that's been logged into a service like Gmail can check it. Keeping your internet privacy is important - fortunately deleting your web history is easy...

December 8, 2009

How to Setup Google Public DNS on a Windows PC

New eHow Article:
How to Setup Google Public DNS on a Windows PC

Preview: Open DNS is a service offered by Google (also called Google Public DNS). If you use the internet on your Windows PC, you use DNS - even if you don't know it. When you type in a site, it's the technology that connects your browser to the web server the site is hosted on. Open DNS is an alternative to the default setting provided by your ISP. Using Google's Open DNS is free and will help speed up your browsing experience. Best of all, using open DNS is really simple...

December 6, 2009

How to Setup Google Public DNS on a Mac

New eHow Article:
How to Setup Google Public DNS on a Mac

Preview: Google offers a free public DNS called Google DNS. Quick background: Google describes DNS services as a crucial part of every user's internet experience. DNS services are like the phone book - when you type in a web address, the DNS services look up the IP address of the server and send you to the website. Switching from the default ISP DNS services to Google Public DNS will speed up your internet AND it's free...

How to Wake Up Early

New eHow Article:
How to Wake Up Early

Preview: Trying to get more done? Wake up early! There's only so many hours in the day. With a few simple steps you can reclaim a few of yours. This article will show you how to use a few simple tools - like a computer alarm clock - to force you out of bed a few hours early...

How to Remove DRM from an Audiobook

New eHow Article:
How to Remove DRM from an Audiobook

Preview: While most mp3 stores now sell DRM free downloads, audiobooks remain locked down. Once you remove the DRM from your audiobooks you'll be able to use them anywhere - not just where Audible and others say you can. Many tutorials require expensive software to remove the DRM, and even then some kinds of DRM software can't be removed. This tutorial requires nothing more than audio capture software (Donar or Free Sound Recorder for instance, which are free) and an audiobook...

December 4, 2009

How to Remove Wrinkles from a Photo in Aperture

New eHow Article:
How to Remove Wrinkles from a Photo in Aperture

Preview: Apple's Aperture program can do some pretty amazing things to your photos. Using a few basic tools - namely retouch and dodge/burn - you can remove wrinkles from a photo and make the subject look astonishingly younger! Open up a photo in Aperture and let's get to work...

December 3, 2009

How to Create a Virtual Guitar Amp in Logic Studio

New eHow Article:
How to Create a Virtual Guitar Amp in Logic Studio

Preview: You can create your own virtual guitar amp (or virtual bass amp!) using some simple audio production software - the days when a studio needs wall upon wall of amps and microphones are over! Best of all, you can add your own virtual pedal board as well. You don't even need to understand audio production to get right to it...

December 1, 2009

How to Make Money Podcasting

New eHow Article:
How to Make Money Podcasting

Preview: So you've got a podcast and you want to make some cash. Podcast advertising isn't the only way to go. There's a lot of ways to make money podcasting, but if you don't know what you're doing it can be very tricky. This article will show you the tried and true methods of monetizing that show of yours...

How to Sell a Banned Modded Xbox 360

New eHow Article:
How to Sell a Banned Modded Xbox 360

Preview: Microsoft is constantly banning Xbox 360s as a result of user modification. The day you log-in and get that ban message, your heart just sinks…but fear not, there's something you can do about it! By legally reselling your modded Xbox console, you can recover some or even all of the cost of buying a new Xbox360...
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