March 29, 2009

How to Get Your Digg Article to the Front Page

People are always complaining that Digg is fixed, and that the long time users are the only ones who can make it to the front page. Others will tell you that only articles about Apple, Linux, etc will ever get there. The reality is that in less than a week, you can become a power Digg user and start getting your articles to the front page.

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March 28, 2009

How to Stream Music and Movies from a Mac to an Xbox 360

One of the best features of the Xbox 360 is it's ability to stream content from your computer to the console. Any Windows PC on the network can play movies, music, and tv shows over a network and on to your TV. Thanks to some great software, you can do this on your Mac as well - and it's actually fairly easy

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March 27, 2009

How to Leave a Review in the iTunes Store

Earlier today I urged a friend of mine to write a review for a podcast we were talking about. Much to my surprise, she was confused and frightened of the iTunes store. Even though she had an iTunes account, she didn't know how to leave a review. This friendly and oddly upbeat article will navigate you through the iTunes store so you too can leave feedback.

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March 24, 2009

How to Buy an Apple Mac Computer For Unbelievably Cheap

One of the many myths about Apple's Macintosh computers is that they're expensive. While going out and picking up your average Mac from the Apple store is probably more expensive than finding a bargain at Best Buy, that doesn't mean there aren't cheaper Apple computers to be found. I recently bought a Macbook for $450. After $100 worth of upgrades, it runs faster than anything I've ever used. I'm going to give you some tips for finding a quality Mac desktop or laptop for only a few hundred dollars.

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March 23, 2009

How to Setup Hotmail or Windows Live Mail on Your iPhone

Microsoft recently announced POP3 support for Hotmail and Windows Live Mail. This addition gives users the ability to access their email accounts from various desktop and mobile clients. More importantly for you, this also means you can read and send Hotmail and Live Mail on your iPhone. Follow these steps and you'll be ready to go in no time.

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How to Access Your Hotmail or Live Account With Apple Mail

Just recently Microsoft announced POP3 support for Hotmail and Windows Live Mail. What does this mean for you? It means you can finally use that little stamp icon that's been sitting in your Mac's dock to read your email. How exciting!

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How to Trim the Beginning and/or End of a Video File Without Reencoding

You ever have a digital video file you wish you could remove the beginning or end of? Maybe you have a TV show you want to cut the credits out of, or maybe you need a quick way to edit some video of your own. This article will show you how to cut down a video using only quicktime. You won't even have to re-encode!

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March 22, 2009

How to Convert a .DMG to a .ISO Using Terminal

One of the most frequent questions I get is how to convert a Mac disk image file (dmg) to a more Windows friendly iso file. Fortunatly it's not that hard, and there's two ways to do it. In this article I'm going to show you how to accomplish this using only Terminal. For an explanation on converting the file using a graphical interface, see my other eHow article "How to Convert a .DMG to a .ISO Using Disk Utility."

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How to Convert a .DMG to a .ISO Using Disk Utility

I recently wrote a requested article on converting a Mac disk image file (dmg) to a more Windows friendly iso file using Terminal. While there isn't anything necessarily difficult about that way, there's an even easier method for people who prefer a graphic interface.

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How to Get Your Mac to Automatically Download TV Episodes via Bittorrent

Even with the advances of iTunes and Hulu, many people still turn to Bittorrent as their DVR. If you're regularly hunting for the latest episodes of your favorite shows, there's now a much more efficient way to do that. This article will show you how to get your Mac to automatically to grab the latest episode of your shows for you. The obvious disclaimer: don't download illegal content.

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March 21, 2009

How to Turn Your Guitar Into a Synthesizer

This article will teach you how to make literally any sound known to man with your guitar - in three steps.

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How to Install Easily Removable Track Lighting While Renting

Tracklighting is a simple way to drastically improve the look of your apartment. Rooms that were once flooded with standard boring lighting will be given a much more moody atmosphere. The best part is that this method doesn't involve tapping into the electricity in the wall, so you can install it in literally any apartment. When you're ready to move out, you patch a few nail size holes and it's like you were never there.

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March 20, 2009

How to Replace the Faces Corkboard in iPhoto '09

Apple's 2009 version of iPhone introduced us to a great new feature - Faces! This article will simply show you how to remove the default cork background and replace it with something more modern.

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March 19, 2009

How to Take Live Photos of Bands

One of the hardest types of photography has to be live band performances. You often find yourself in a low light situation with a bunch of ridiculously fast moving subjects. Add the spontaneous nature of stage shows with fast schizophrenic lighting and you start to see why it can be such a headache. However, once you have the right technique down, you might find that these are your favorite kind of pictures to take.

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How to Cover / Refinish Your Cabinets Temporarily While Renting

Just because you're renting doesn't mean you can't customize your space. This article will show you an alternative to painting or actually refinishing your ugly cabinets. Your newly decorated cabinets will hold up against your messy kitchen, but you'll be able to remove the covering easily when you move out.

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March 17, 2009

How to Install or Upgrade the Airport Wireless Card In a Macbook

There are many reasons to pry open your Macbook and fidget with the Airport card. Some laptops only came with 802.11n, so perhaps you're upgrading. It's also possible that your airport card needs replacing. Even if it's not the airpot card you're after, you may need to know how to open your Macbook up. For those brave enough, this article will show you how it's all done.

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March 15, 2009

How to Install a SSD (Solid State Disk) in a Macbook

Apple recently starting offering solid state disk options when ordering new Macbooks. As with most of Apple’s upgrades, these upgrades are quite pricey. This article will show you how to install a SSD in your new (or old!) macbook and save a lot of money in the process.

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How to Add Netflix and Hulu to Frontrow

Apple’s front row is a great way to enjoy movies, tv shows, and music from your iTunes library. A recent plugin has added Netflix and Hulu to the mix, and it’s actually pretty easy to install.

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How to Control Your iPhone From Your Computer

Many sites on the internet will tell you how to control your computer using your iPhone - but what if you want to control your iPhone using your computer? Finally, here's a how-to article for that.

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March 14, 2009

How to Get Non-Mobile Sites Like On Your iPhone

When Apple released the iPhone, they claimed we were finally going to have the "real internet" in the palm of our hands. However for some reason, many sites have decided to force mobile versions on iPhone users. This tutorial will show you how to get your iPhone to register as Firefox, thusly displaying the web version of many popular cites (I'm looking at you!)

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How to Make a White Chocolate Raspberry Mocha

Nearly all of the drinks you find at a coffee bar / Starbucks / Caribou Coffee come from one of three recipes. Some drinks are warm, some are cold, and some are blended frozen. I'm going to teach you the central hot recipe using my favorite drink, the white chocolate raspberry mocha. Using this template, you can also make a latte, a cappuccino, a mocha, and any one of the flavored mocha drinks.

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