If you recently moved to a big city or found yourself without a car, you've probably noticed that getting groceries is a nightmare. Going to the supermarket isn't so much a problem, but getting back can prove to be a real struggle. How do you carry all that stuff all the way back? How on earth are all these people getting their food home?
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May 31, 2009
May 30, 2009
How to Save Time by Editing Your Podcast Faster
One of the biggest surprises when you first start podcasting is that editing takes forever. It continues to be the main reason people quit recording. If it takes you an hour or two to edit your hour long show, you’re just going to have to suck it up and get to it...but if you’re spending five or six hours editing there are several things you can do to cut that time down significantly. Learn how to spend less time editing your podcast. Don’t throw in the towel just yet!
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May 28, 2009
How to Find Secular Drug Rehab
Drug rehab, be it twelve step or otherwise, is often so stuffed with God you wouldn't be able to tell it apart from church. With 15% (and growing) of the United States identifying as non-religious, there are an increasing number of answers for those seeking drug rehab and not a bible lesson. AA claims you can go through the program without converting, but why fit yourself into their mold? This article will show you nonreligious options for rehabilitation. Finally - a responsible drug rehab program for atheists, agnostics and non-believers.
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12 step,
alcoholics anonymous,
drug rehab,
twelve step
How to Attend a Zombie March
If you're lucky enough to live in a city that puts on a zombie march, you really should attend. It's not only a fun time, but the spectacle is really unmatched. Hundreds of people dressed as zombles stumble down the street in the middle of the day! Whether you go in blood and makeup or just to watch the horror unfold, you're sure to have a good time.
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How to Buy Tickets to a Sold Out Concert
You should have bought those concert tickets the day they went on sale, but you didn't. Now the concert is weeks or even days away, and you can't find a ticket anywhere! Don't worry, you still have options. This article will show you every possible avenue to find a last minute ticket - you might even get one for face value or cheaper!
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May 26, 2009
How to Sell All Your DVDs
It will come time to sell all your DVDs. It's not a question of if, it's a question of when. Maybe you're making the transition to Bluray, or maybe you're going digital - whatever the reason, the sooner the better. The longer you wait to sell your DVDs, the less valuable they become, so round them up and let's get to it.
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May 25, 2009
How to Open .001 .002 .003 and .r01 .r02 r03 RAR Files
Sometimes you'll download something (perhaps via bittorrent) and find that instead of the file you wanted, your folder is full of .001 .002 .003 or .r01 .r02 .r03 files. These files are part of a split rar archive. Much like a zip file, a rar file is a compressed version of what you downloaded. Rather than be in on single file, it's spread out over these numerous files. In order to get your download, you have to extract this archive by following these steps.
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How to Show Hidden File Name Extensions in Windows
In older operating systems, the type of file was displayed at the end of the file name. Microsoft has decided that users of Windows - be it Windows XP, WIndows Vista, Windows 7, etc - don't need to see file extensions. Sometimes it's important to know what the extension of your file is though, so if you decide you want them back in the file name you can tell Windows to turn them back on.
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May 23, 2009
How to Find a Car Accident Lawyer
As if getting in a car accident wasn't bad enough, days later you likely find yourself looking for a car accident lawyer. In the long run, having a lawyer will help make the process easier - so the hard part is actually finding the accident lawyer to begin with. If you know the proper steps to take and plan accordingly, this whole process will soon be behind you.
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May 22, 2009
How to Reduce Noise in an Audio Recording
The noise reduction foam and expensive microphones you find in a studio aren't the only ways to eliminate noise in your audio recording. While these things certainly help, you can get a virtually noise free recording in your own home with almost any microphone - even the internal mic in your computer. This article will show you how to naturally reduce noise while you're recording as well as eliminate noise in audio you've already recorded.
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May 19, 2009
How to Restore Your iPhone from a Jailbreak
Many people hold off from jailbreaking their iPhone because they worry about how much effort it may take to restore it to its original state. Unjailbreaking your iPhone isn't very hard - in fact, its easier than the original jailbreak process. With a few simple steps, you can return your jailbroken iPhone to it's out of the box state. You won't be able to tell the difference between your iPhone and one that was never jailbroken at all. Best of all, you won't even loose your data!
I didn't know if I should go with that title or How to Restore Your Jailbroken iPhone. I think either work. If you've got an iphone that's jailbroke and you want to reset it, look at that article.
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I didn't know if I should go with that title or How to Restore Your Jailbroken iPhone. I think either work. If you've got an iphone that's jailbroke and you want to reset it, look at that article.
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May 18, 2009
How to Disable Xbox 360 Notifications During DVD and Video
Tired of seeing notifications when you're watching a movie on your Xbox 360? It's great to be notified about your friends and achievements when playing a game, but most people don't want to be bothered while watching a DVD. Buried in the system is an option to turn off notifications - but only while you're watching a video.
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How to Permanently Invert the Y Axis by Default on Xbox 360
Lots of gamers prefer to play with their view "inverted". When they pull the control stick down they want to look up, and when they push the control stick forward they want to look down. You can usually change this setting on a game by game basis, but Xbox360 introduced a new feature to set y-inverted as the default across all games.
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May 16, 2009
How to Uninstall Mac Presonus Firestudio Drivers and Software
The Presonus Firestudio project (and other drivers / software made by Presonus) is notoriously hard to install. If your audio hardware suddenly won't synch or gets the flashing blue and red light, you need to uninstall and reinstall the drivers - but how? While there is no official uninstall program, this article will show you how to completely clean the software and drivers out of your system.
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May 15, 2009
How to Speed Up Apple Mail (Mail.app) Instantly
You may have noticed your Apple Mail slowing down. It takes forever to open, load email, and even gives you the spinning pinwheel beach ball of doom. You maybe have tried deleting and pruning your email with no luck. Fear not! There's a little known way to optimize your Mail.app database so that Mail will run much faster. You don't even have to delete anything! This article will show you how to automate the process so your Mail database is automatically optimized every month - keeping your email client as fast as possible.
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May 14, 2009
How to Change or Remove the Blue Western Digital MyBook Menubar Icon
The WD Mybook hard drive comes with software for management and configuration. The software sits in your menubar and is represented by a little blue WD icon. Western Digital makes great external raid drives, but that little blue icon in the menu bar is so annoying! It doesn't fit in the with the rest of the icons at all, and can be a real eyesore. Luckily there's an easy way to remove the blue drive manager icon, or to change it to a more pleasing grey icon.
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drive manager,
hard drive,
western digital
How to Create a Free iPhone Ringtone from a Video
Having an iPhone ringtone from a song is all well and good, but what if you want to make a ringtone from a video? Perhaps you want some music or the theme from a TV show, or a memorable clip of a film to use as an alarm on your iPhone. With the free software already on your computer, you can cut out part of a video's audio and make it a ringtone!
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May 12, 2009
How to Make Your Own CBZ and CBR Digital Comic Books
Digital comic files are quickly growing in popularity. What used to take up an entire room of boxes will now fit on a small hard drive. While most people download their comics from other sources like bittorrent, it's fairly easy to make your own CBZ or CBR comics.
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May 11, 2009
How to Take Screenshots on an Xbox 360
You need to take a screencap of something on your Xbox360 - or any gaming console for that matter. It's actually not too hard as long as you have the right software. Because the Xbox 360doesn't have a built in screen shot feature, the only way to do so is through video capture software. Not only will this tutorial show you how to take screenshots of your Xbox360, it'll inadvertently show you how to capture video as well.
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screen cap,
screen shot,
xbox 360,
How to Program a Logitech Harmony Universal Remote
You used to have a billion remotes, but now you've got a logitech universal remote! Great, except how to you program it? Unlike the old days of entering a bunch of codes, the Logitech remotes use some software to control your devices and add activity settings to the controls. Using a Logitech Harmony 550 remote as the example, this how to article will show you hot to program your Logitech Harmony universal remote control. Get out that clicker and let's get set up.
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May 10, 2009
How to Create a Seamless Tiling Background in Photoshop
Creating a background that will tile properly on a webpage can be tricky. Just selecting any old photo will create ugly repetitive seams - you'll be able to see where one copy of the photo stops and another begins. This photoshop tutorial will show you how to modify a picture so you can no longer see the borders, creating a seamless tiling background image.
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How to Disable Favicons to Speed Up Safari
Safari is debatably one of the fastest browsers on the web. When you first start using it, you're typically blown away by the speed...but before long, it slows down. After prolonged use, it can even come to a complete stop! Part of the reason for this is the favicon database - a collection of tiny webpage icons. This database isn't easily cleaned and given the small size of the icons is actually pretty unnecessary. This article will show you a quick way to get your speed back by disabling the favicon database and instead loading the icons normally.
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May 7, 2009
How to Setup Hotmail or Windows Live Mail on Mozilla Thunderbird
Microsoft has finally announced POP3 support for Hotmail and Windows Live Mail. This means you can access your email using your own client - like Mozilla Thunderbird. Follow these steps to get setup.
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How to Speed Up Time Machine's First Backup
Because of Time Machine's incremental backup method, only a small amount of data needs to be sent over your network to backup to a wireless Time Machine. You can connect a disk to your router or Airport, click a few buttons and you'll have a reoccurring wireless backup system. While this generally works out very well, that initial backup to Time Machine has to copy all your files and can take forever! Even if you're connected via ethernet you'll looking at a great deal of transfer time. This little trick will make that first backup incredibly faster.
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May 6, 2009
How to Deinterlace a Video
Sometimes you'll download or rip a video and notice scan lines running horizontally through the picture. These scanlines aren't always fully visible, but may show up in certain scenes and disrupt parts of the pictures. If you've seen lines running across your video, you can correct them by deinterlacing the file. De-interlacing a video is actually fairly simple. Grab a copy of the free handbreak software and let's get started.
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May 5, 2009
How to Merge Two Video Files Together
Often when you download a film online it'll come split into two parts. This is convenient if you're going to burn each part to a separate disc, but as we move into an age of digital distribution the need for that physical media is dissipating. Instead of having a bunch of folders with several files for each film, you can combine these two halves of the film together into one video file.
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How to Fix a Corrupted Time Machine Backup
Lately your networked Time Machine drive (or Time Capsule) has stopped backing up! Maybe you've received the error message "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying backup files." Perhaps you tried to mount the sparseimage and found it was corrupted. It's just as likely that you never got an error at all, and just now noticed that your Time Machine hasn't backed up for weeks! If you run Time Machine over a network or use a sparseimage file, then there may still be hope for your backups.
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time capsule,
time machine,
May 3, 2009
How to Help Support Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood is the nation's leading sexual and reproductive health care advocate and provider. They treat sexual health in a mature way, and offer services and information that can often be hard to come by. One of the Planned Parenthood can give away so much for free or at a greatly reduced price is through the support of the individuals they've helped. Their patients and supporters often wonder how they can return the favor, so I've constructed this step by step guide to support Planned Parenthood.
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How to Find Out About New Apple Products Before They're Released
One of the reasons Apple is such a talked about company is because their Mac and iPod products are so secretive. As a general rule, no one know about their products before they're released! There is a growing underground community of follows who are becoming experts on discovering exactly what's coming next; this article is going to put you on the inside.
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How to Promote Skepticism
Critical thinking and science based skepticism is one of the greatest tools we have in regard to human logic and deduction - and if you're looking to promote skepticism you already know that. While there are major challenges in getting people to think more critically, changing someone's worldview isn't the focus of this article. Instead of "converting" anyone or trying to win arguments, let's take a look at raising awareness of skepticism and inserting it into unexpected places.
I took a lot of photos for this. I tried to make them look like stock photography, but with little hints that show they were obviously taken for the article. The top picture has a swine flu headline for example. The store picture has some homeopathic remedies. See if you can spot all the clues :)
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I took a lot of photos for this. I tried to make them look like stock photography, but with little hints that show they were obviously taken for the article. The top picture has a swine flu headline for example. The store picture has some homeopathic remedies. See if you can spot all the clues :)
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anderson cooper,
james randi,
michael shermer,
How to Take Landscape Photos at Night
Landscape photos are usually fairly easy to take during the day, but what about at night? While everyone else is asleep, there is an unfamiliar and often unexplored land just waiting to be photographed. Low light presents a challenge, but if you’re out to capture what so often goes unseen there are several steps to successful photographs.
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May 2, 2009
How to Backup or Copy Your Safari Bookmarks and History
You want to backup, copy, export, import, or otherwise move your Safari browser's bookmarks (or history!). Even if you already use a backup solution like Time Machine, you have to know where the bookmarks and history are stored in order to do anything with them. Straight and to the point, the are the simple steps to backing up or copying your Safari bookmarks and history.
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